Sunday, July 15, 2007

Mt Cook (Aoraki), New Zealand.

Lake Tekapo - we passed this lake on the way to Mount Cook.

The Church of the Good Shepherd on Lake Tekapo

The Maori's named Mount Cook Aoraki - the cloud piercer. It stands at 3754m and is the tallest mountain in Australasia.

Mount Cook - the peak on the left

We made the drive to the village which sits at the base of the mountain. It was a pretty drear place - devoid of much colour, but then I guess that would detract from the scenery thats all around. We headed straight up to the Hermitage, the famous (expensive) hotel and sipped on a pot of tea. It was dead in the hotel - they dont get many guest during the winter months. It reminded me of the film "The Shining". Quite creepy!

View up to the Hermitage - its the dark building in the middle

We reluctantly headed back to our cold van and tried to sleep. It hurt to breathe the air it was so cold. It got down to -7 degrees during the night. We woke up to ice and frost inside the van! My tootbrush was even frozen!

Ice in the van


We went for a walk in the snow up the Hooker Valley Trail.

Mueller Lake - we were watching avalanches fall from up high on the mountains while we could hear the ice cracking in the lake below as the water flowed out.

Looking out over the valley.

We got back to the van and cooked up lunch. The water in our water tub had frozen solid so we had to melt the snow to wash up!

Melting snow!

From here we went on our way down to Oamaru. I had to get Reena to stop soo many times along the way so I could jump out and take photos. I couldn't upload enough of them to show you all the beauty of this place. Its easy to see why Lord of the Rings was filmed in this country. It has an added element - hard to describe what it is exactly, but it gives the country an almost mystical feel.

Along the road to Omarama - It was like something out of Narnia

I dont know how many times the frost had refrozen - the ice crystals were massive!

The sun started to set - Ben More range

Lake Ben More

Reena waiting for me to jump back in!


Anonymous said...

nice photos... what camera do you have? take it that you are not going around with an SLR right?

Rebecca said...

I have a little digital casio camera. its pretty old. only 4.2 mega pixels. i'd love a new one, but its been all over the world with me and i feel rather attached to it. its been thrown and bashed about all over the place and its held it own!

do you have a blog?

Anonymous said...

don't have a blog, that's why i go around and read others :)

oh just got a new job, pays more, i know that sucks, but i will have to can my trip and stay in london, and keep selling my soul.

ossareh said...

completely unrelated to the blog post this one :) But I notice the met line seat covering in the background of your profile pic ! lol!

Have enjoyed reading your stuff so far hun. Will you be back before 15th of aug? I leave for SFC then...