Sunday, July 01, 2007

Perth, Australia

View of Perth from King's Park

It was so great to arrive in Perth and just experience shiverring again! Its winter now in Australia - I was soo pleased!

Perth, as i'm assuming the rest of Australia will appear, looked really fresh and clean cut. Its a really young city compared to all the places we'd been to in Asia. All the roads are wide, pretty staight, all the grass is trimmed down short with smart edges, and everything is in English!

We took the ferry to Freemantle. Its a really pretty part of Perth with a few older buildings, a prison (to hold all of those convicts!) and some great markets and eateries!

After staying a couple of nights in Northbridge (a pretty seedy part of Perth), we very excitedly took up an offer to stay with the Deetlefs - a family I knew growing up in London. They moved over to Australia seven years ago. It was so great to see them all again and to catch up. They had a lovely home north of the city in Ocean Reef. As you can guess by the name of the place, it was right by the sea. Anyone else jealous?!

At the Deetlef's - Jacqui, Kelly, Ryan (Ken and Lee missing..), Reena and I.

I also met up with Mike, a friend from London. He left London eight months ago and decided to stop shaving and cutting his hair...

I saw my first kangaroo in Perth (in a cemetary!)

We went to the cinema and watched Pirates of the Carribean 3. If anyone has watched that movie and understood the plot can you please enlighten me?! Thanks!


Marc Veary said...

Oh my goodness, you've got yourself a geeza... lol!!

Nice to see a pic of Caleb, Rebecca and the wee one.

Steven said...

The first time that I saw a kangaroo in the country is not in a cemetery like yours but in a zoo. Well, I don't know but when we went to the outback and we saw them in their natural environment, they seemed to be more lively than those in the zoo. O well, just my two cents.