Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Milford Sound, New Zealand.

We were told to watch out for the roaring waterfalls that flow right by the road on the way to Milford Sound. We got quite a different sight. All the waterfalls had frozen over leaving these long dangling icicles. Pretty cool.

Waterfall of icicles

Reena took me on a cruise on the Milford Sound for my birthday. What a lovely present!


This part of New Zealand gets between 7-9m of rainfall per year. The largest 24 hour downpour over last year was over 500mm! With over 200 days of rain each year we were lucky to get sunshine!

Mitre Peak - one of the highest mountains to come straight out of the sea.

Europeans incorrectly named this area as a 'sound' around 150 years ago. It's proper name would be a 'fjord'. The mountains were created by the erosive forces of glaciers. Sounds are created by rivers. Fjords have 'U' shape valleys, and sounds have 'V' shape valleys. At least that's how I understood it!

Waterfall seen from cruise boat.

New Zealand's closest point to Australia.

We had dolphins swimming around the boat! Quite difficult to get a photo...

The Maori name for New Zealand is 'Aotearoa' - its meaning 'The land of the long white cloud'. We saw some!

Cool clouds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow-- spectacular photos. i'm planning a trip to nz in july 2010 and your photos made me even more eager! hope your trip was a success. :)