Friday, August 17, 2007

Santiago, Chile.

If you're going to South America and you think you'll need a travel guide, make sure you buy it before you go - unless you can speak Spanish. Buying an English copy of the Lonely Planet out there cost an arm and a leg. £40!!! We decided to get around by trying to ask questions in English to people who had no idea how to speak English! Thankfully the people of Chile are amazingly friendly and will try all they can to help you out, even when they dont have a clue what you're saying!

The Municipalidad de Santiago. The site where the Spanish first set up a fort.

A view over Santiago.

Unfortunately we weren't able to see much of the snow capped mountains that surround the city. Santiago gets pretty smoggy.

Santiago, though a bustling capital city, wasn't much of a tourist spot. There wasn't too much that jumped out at us to see so we headed straight up to San Pedro de Atacama in the north.

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