Friday, May 11, 2007

Vientiane, Laos

Vientiane was our last stop in Laos. Its the capital city it still has such a laid back vibe. The US government donated money to Laos for concrete to rebuild their airport runway. Instead they spend the money on building a replica Arc de Triomphe with a Laos twist! Its not like they need a good runway anyway. There's only six flights that depart per day!

I think even the builders to this temple were not too bothered when they built this golden thing. Its all wonky. There isn't proper symmetry... You can see that the little spires dont line up. That bothers me. Just like when people leave lids off of pens... Why would they do that?!

We all went to the discotek after 11pm (since everything else shuts down then). I found the whole experience pretty disturbing. I was really uncomfortable to see older western guys, over 60ish, picking up young asian girls who probably weren't any older than me. I didn't even escape the night without a Laos boy trying to get my number or email address. Very sad.

Steve with a random Laos boy...

It was our last dinner with our friends we had met in Laos. (We bumped into the Finnish boys again in Hanoi.) We were very sad to say goodbye to Steve. He'd been a great travel buddy and looked after Reena and I so well. We'll miss you! See you in London, x.

Our last sunset in Laos

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