Thursday, May 24, 2007

Siem Reap, Cambodia

We knew we had arrived in Siem Reap when I heard the window slide open next to me and felt someone scratching at my arm shouting 'tuk tuk!'. I sat up and took a look outside... the bus was absolutely mobbed by Cambodian men, all trying to get you on their tuk tuk or get you to go and stay at their guesthouse. It was absolute pandemonium. I struggled to get to my bag, and once I found it I had lost Reena! There were about ten men in my face screaming and shouting at me, the same happening to Reena. I could hear one English girl in the background who had already booked somewhere to stay shouting "Leave her alone!". I managed to push myself to the front of the crowd and cross the road in an attempt to get some air to breath, but they all followed me! I got myself into a better view point, saw Reena, then signaled for her to come over. She came across with her own swarm of Cambodian men... we had to scream at each other at a distance of 1m in order to hear ourselves speak! Eventually I just started laughing, managed to read one of the many placards that were being shoved into my face and said "yep I'll have that one". Immediately the circus was over and we were whisked away to a tuk tuk, back on the other side of the road - phew!

The main reason to stay Siem Reap is to visit Angkor Wat and the other ruins in the area. We got up early the next day to see the sunrise over Angkor Wat.

It was definately worth the 04:30 wake up!

Angkor Wat after sunrise. Built around 1150.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Bayon. Probably my favourite ruin. There are huge smiling faces built into it. This ruin felt more maze like in structure - fun to get lost in! Built around 1180.

Me at 9am trying to avoid the already intense sunshine!

Preah Khan. I only noticed that big crack above my head once I looked at the photo! Built around 1190.

Ta Keo. An unplanned stop on our tour, but worth it! What a climb. It was an unfinished temple, but still very mighty looking. Very tall with incredibly steep and thin steps. Built around 970.

Ta Prohm. Built around 1190.

The famous tomb raider tree in the Ta Prohm Temple. Its a temple thats now overun by the jungle. Very impressive, but it somehow feels like you're walking through a movie set. There are lots of walkways and screens up where renovation work is taking place.

We spent one more day in Siem Reap just taking it easy. It would have been great to have taken a few days to wander around the many nearby ruins, but weather, cost and time weren't permitting, so we left Cambodia to reach our next destination of Koh Tao, Thailand.

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