Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Brisbane, Australia.


It was never my intention to stop in Brisbane. In fact I wanted to avoid it like the Plague! I woke up one morning in Cairns and knew that I had to face my demons and booked the flight... and I'm so glad that I did, for both the city and the people I met there.

I love Brisbane and I was so surprised that I did. Most travellers you meet say that they found the place really boring... I went and saw the sights on the south bank - went to two art galleries, a museum and a library, then walked over the river and through the city botanical gardens. Its a great little city. It has a tiny bit of everything you'd need in a place to live.

The Brisbane River

I also met up with a couple that I knew from London. Caleb and Rebekah - an Australian couple that had been working in the UK for a few years. They left a couple of years ago to start a family back home. It was so great to see them again and see the addition to their family! Little Johnathan is so cute and such a happy little baby. Rebekah's also expecting again, which is such great news!

Meet baby jonny! Rebekah, Jonny, Caleb and James (Rebekah's brother).

They bought a lovely property near Brisbane with a bit of land - 3 acres to be precise, and they have themselves a little farm too! It was great. The first night we turned up at the house I had both a dog and a goat run at me! They also have six chickens which lay six eggs everyday. Having grown up in the city I just was so amazed to see these six fresh eggs every morning, laid by six chickens that run around the garden! It makes perfect sense, but was just so peculiar for me to actually see it. Caleb makes excellent poached eggs on toast, as well as a mean hot chocolate. I've been having to get my chocolate fix every night since then!

Polly the Goat (I think that was her name...)

The animals

They also have a horse called Cassie. I had a horse riding lesson. Very fun! Afterwhich we took a ride into 'the bush'. As we left the front gate, the dog followed (she wasn't supposed to), and the goat thinking she was also a dog galloped on too! It was absolutely hilarious. It was like taking the farm for a walk up the road. I couldn't stop laughing!

Me on Cassie

While in Brisbane we spent quite a bit of time with Rebekah's family and the church there. They were all such a loving bunch, completely the opposite of what I was expecting, or more accurately, what I was fearing. I'm so glad that I made the trip there and met them all. I hope to visit you all again sometime.

On my last night, James took me up to a view point over Brisbane.

Its like the view from a plane!

My last hot chocolate in Brisbane.

On to Sydney!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G'day Rebecca, Looks like your onward trip has been great. We sure were happy to have you come and stay with us. It was great to see you again, please come again anytime...maybe we'll have some Polly stew. Lots of Love, Caleb, Rebekah & Jonathan.