Wednesday, January 03, 2007

9% of the world...91% to go!

Hey you all,

So I'm on the run up to this upcoming trip, trying to get everything sorted. The new year is here and its all go! So I'm hopefully going to spend six months travelling the world - 12 countries in 6 months... I'm not sure how, but we'll do it.

According to, at present I've only travelled 9% of the world...

so much more to go... I'll be updating this blog regularly and hopefully send you an email when I do. The map on the right will show where I am in the world, and hopefully I'll be able to add photos and videos, and you'll be able to leave comments. I'd love to hear from you. No doubt I'll be missing home loads - I always do!

Well, so much left to do:

> book the flight
> get the immunisations
> sort out insurance
> visas
> resign
> save money!!!

Just two months and a few days til we go... Bring it on!
